Zion's Leadership Team
Being a smaller congregation, we have just a few paid staff. Almost all of our ministry programs are led by lay disciples. We encourage and support the growth of leadership skills in our members. All of our leadership team recognize the authority of God. We are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ.
Pastor Cindy White
Spiritual Leader
Pastor Cindy White felt called to ministry at a young age. Women were unable to become ministers at the time, so she pursued a bachelor’s degree in social work from Temple University. She worked in that field for 25 years, married and had three children. She never forgot her call to ministry, so she enrolled in Gettysburg Seminary in January 2013. Prior to her ordination in 2017, she led Zion’s Saturday night services for three and a half years, serving as Zion’s intern for 18 months. Pastor Virginia Goodwin was her supervisor. Pastor Cindy served as the full-time synodically appointed care-giver.
Pastor White’s office hours are Wednesdays, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Emergencies have priority. Please phone 570-668-2180 ahead a visit.