ELCA Youth Gathering


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Zion youth are headed to the ELCA Youth Gathering! Three of our young members have committed to taking on New Orleans from July 16-20! Darien, Julia, and Elaina will be joining thousands of other young people from across the country as they affirm their faith, experience new perspectives, join in worship, and meet new people. Because of your help, our fundraisers, so far, have been successful. Also, a huge “thank you” goes out to Congregational Life for assisting us with the extra funding needed to secure the reservations. At least 50% of what was provided by Congregational Life, will be returned by the youth, through additional fundraisers. Of course, there will be additional expenses for meals and transportation, so we would like to invite you to join others from Zion in support of this adventure. Gifts can be made by clicking below, or in an envelope placed in the offering plate marked “Youth Gathering.” Watch for more fundraisers coming! Thank you for your support!

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